Simulanis Solution

Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Mixed Reality 
Delhi, India  |  Technology
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About Simulanis

The World of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality VR is moving ahead rapidly as the technology advances because of enormous money flows from Venture Capital and Corporate Sponsors. Virtual Reality is rapidly merging with Simulator Technologies and Computer Video Games and it's coming to a living room near you or maybe in your home real soon.

Resumé / Bio

The World of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality VR is moving ahead rapidly as the technology advances due to enormous money flows from Venture Capital and Corporate Sponsors. Virtual Reality is rapidly merging with Simulator Technologies and Computer Video Games and it is coming to a living room near you or perhaps in your home real soon.

Work Experience



Interests: The World of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality VR is moving ahead rapidly as the technology advances due to massive money flows from Venture Capital and Corporate Sponsors. Virtual Reality is rapidly merging with Simulator Technologies and Computer Video Games and it's coming to a living room near you or perhaps in your home real soon.
Honors / Awards: The World of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality VR is moving ahead rapidly as the technology advances because of enormous money flows from Venture Capital and Corporate Sponsors. Virtual Reality is rapidly merging with Simulator Technologies and Computer Video Games and it is coming to a living room near you or perhaps in your own home real soon.
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This profile was last updated on 12/20/2018 2:44:50 AM

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