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Think It Through

GA United States

Contact: Barry DeLisser
Email: thinkitthroughbook@gmail.com

Think It Through
About This Company
Industry: Publishing, Writing and Editing, Religious Institutions
Would you say you're someone who likes to question things?

How do you make sense of bewildering situations, weird coincidences, and the thorny issues of life? Do you typically barrel your way through or think your way through?

Do you sometimes question why something has happened to you, or why it happened at all? Do you find yourself asking more of the 'why?' questions or more of the 'what' questions - What does this mean? What am I going to do?

Think It Through is a collection of 39 short stories that invite you to join in questioning everyday experiences that many times accidentally reveal the mysterious ways of God.

Think It Through is for people who enjoy a good conversation, sauteed with questions, and lightly braised with a hint of humor.

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