Did you know you can broadcast an ad to 2,500,000+ users for only $3 a day? Buy a promoted post.


United States

Contact: Louis Harvey
Email: Louis894@gmail.com

About This Company
Industry: Marketing, Advertising, Other
Markethive is Free to join with lots of free tools to use for your business, and we also offer an Entrepreneur program which is huge

Markethive offers a secure, fast, powerful automated marketing (includes powerful email autoresponders, hosting, broadcasting and custom funnels) social network with over 1 million monthly visitors. Registration delivers an Airdrop of 500 MHV coins already listed on a public exchange and has already moved up 700% since opening.

The world's first Blockchain (secured with coin and wallet) Inbound marketing, social network, commerce platform operating like a faucet. Where you get paid additional coin for the simple process of building a marketing campaign for your existing or future business platforms.

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