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Oxyzen, LLC.

3735 West Berridge Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85019 United States

Contact: Seth Resler
Email: seth02@oxyzenaz.com

Oxyzen, LLC.
About This Company
Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness, Healthcare, Medical Practice
Oxyzen, LLC provides multiple step alternative solutions that are becoming widely embraced across the globe and in alignment with our goals and mission.

1. Oxygen therapy is the incorporation of 90% pure oxygen into the system to stimulate blood flow, creative thinking, cessation of headaches and a cleansing of the body's toxins.

2. Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils to ease the mind, create an environment of peace and connect the body back to nature. Our Aromatherapy services also utilize oils that you select during your visit.

3. Incorporation of TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) units for relief of body pain due to muscle or nervous system issues. This form of therapy is becoming highly utilized as the electrical impulses create the same feeling and relief as a masseuse with a much lowered cost of therapy per session.

4. Meditation based on particular Hz frequencies as well as the use of Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones. Our services provide the option of guided meditation, free-thought meditation and the use of either Isochronic tones or Binaural Beats to stimulate brain wave frequencies and induce a state of euphoria, creativity, abundance and peace.

We'll help heal your body, mind and soul
We've created services and success programs established for new practitioners but we are equally capable of meeting the needs of current practitioners of these tools and remedies. Our programs have five categories that are most commonly practiced:

A. Health

B. Wealth

C. Abundance

D. Happiness

E. Creativity

Our programs are unique in the fact that they provide mental, physical and spiritual methods of healing and manifestation. The combination of all of these remedies under one program is unique. We have truly created our own industry and can't wait to share it with you.

Our programs are not a replacement of any current physical or mental medical treatments you are undertaking. Our services are holistic and natural. We offer an alternative method of treatment that creates the healing of mind, body and soul starting from within.

Oxyzen, LLC's approach to health care is holistic. We emphasize your overall health and wellness. We recognize that there are many factors that can affect one's wellness including but not limited to: exercise, diet, rest, environment, and family hereditary traits. Our services provide natural, drugless, nonsurgical health treatments, relying on the body and minds inherent recuperative functions.​

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