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About This Company
Industry: Other
At Purelight Power, with utility rates rising, our Medford solar panel installation team has made it their mission to find a way to keep power costs low because we believe money is better in your pocket, not the utilities.
Most companies will say whatever they need to in order to get a sale. Our promise to you is to be completely transparent with our Medford solar panel services and build a long term relationship.
By using some of the industry's leading panels and / web-enabled monitoring technology, you can feel confident and stress-free about going solar.

Keywords or Tags:

solar bend Redmond, OR, solar bend Redmond, OR, solar bend Redmond, OR, solar panels bend Redmond, OR,
solar companies in bend Redmond, OR, solar power bend Redmond, OR, solar companies bend Redmond, OR,
solar energy bend Redmond, OR, solar installer bend Redmond, OR, solar installation Redmond, OR

Operating Hours:
Monday through Friday: am-pm, not open on weekends

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