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Chimney Sweep & Dryer Vent Cleaning

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Industry: Other
Chimney sweep
Mon-Sun am - pm
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Over time, as you use your chimney, soot, ash and tar build up to create a dangerous coating called creosote. This layer on the interior of your chimney can become thicker and more prominent over time, until it begins to impede the chimney's ability to allow the safe passage of smoke up and out the top. When this happens, the chances of a house fire or carbon monoxide buildups in the home increase exponentially. To keep your home and your family safe from the hugely dangerous prospect of creosote buildups, it's important to invest in regular chimney cleaning in Princeton, NJ. Having an experienced professional sweep out your chimney will prevent creosote from building up to dangerous levels and will ensure the longevity of this home amenity. At Chimney Sweep & Dryer Vent Cleaning, we're highly adept at identifying creosote buildups and work swiftly and thoroughly to remove them. We also take pride in removing other potential chimney hazards, to prevent them from putting your home in danger. If you need chimney or fireplace cleaning in Princeton, NJ, make sure you're calling the most experienced professionals in the region.
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