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NEO Recycling Systems

1683 Oak Grove Road
Roxboro, NC 27574 United States

Contact: James Sill
Email: jrsill3@wildblue.net

NEO Recycling Systems
About This Company
Industry: Environmental Services, Consumer Services
NEO Recycling Systems will offer (3) different sized models of a system that reduces the overall size of both plastic containers or aluminum containers. This will create increased convenience by reducing the overall size of the area consumers set aside for storing recyclable containers prior to placing them for pick up or transporting them to a recycling facility. While plastic containers currently have negligible value at recycling facilities, aluminum is resalable as scrap metal and will return the cost of the NEO Recycling Systems to the consumer within approximately 4 - 6 months, depending on the consumers usage of aluminum containers.

NOTE: An accurate retail cost will be posted as soon as all details are finalized with our suppliers.

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