Member Posts > There is nothing you can not be, there is nothing you can not do, there is nothing you can not have!

You are the most magnificent, the most remarkable, the most splendid being GOD has ever created.....

Who could reject such wondrous magnificence.

But you do know who you are!

And you think you are a great deal less....

I'll tell you this...

You are your own rule-maker..

You set the guide now here
if you want your life to take off...
If you're going to try go all the way!

Do it Do It Do it........When I started back 9 years ago....I said Warren...I'm ready to come back and put a Million Dollars on your books...Warren said :OK Tony let's Do this!" God rest his soul! Today 9 years later I'm up to $26 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!! If you're going to try go all the way! Otherwise don't even start! DO IT!.......Continue To DREAM and DREAM BIG! Their is no other feeling like that! You will be alone with the GODS! And the nights will flame with FIRE! DO IT DO IT DO IT ! You will ride life to perfect laughter! I want to remind to continue to DREAM and Dream BIG! Here is the video,

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There is nothing you can not be, there is nothing you can not ...