Member Posts > The Will to Win!
7 Ways To Keep Your Focus
On The Target...things I learned tonight from a Billionaire Robert Herjavec!
Achieving goals is the best way to keep the motivation going.
The best feeling is crossing the finishing line of a goal you've
set and knowing what it took to get there! You put in the
work, you've earned the reward. Remember, worthwhile
goals are not simple - they take time, determination
and persistence. The harder the goal, the better
the payoff!
1. Make your goal exciting! If your goal is something anyone
can achieve, what's the point?
What makes your goal special
to you, and what is your passion
behind it? Is there a purpose?
Make your goal something you
believe in, and you'll be much
more likely to follow through.
2. Set A
Be realistic with your
time frame of goal setting. Set achievable
goals, but allow yourself time
to make mistakes and learn
from them. With that said, you also
need to hold yourself accountable.
Just because you write down your goal
doesn't mean you're going to reach it.
Keep to a schedule and reward yourself
along the way.
3. Keep Your
Realistic! We'd all like to reach dreams like
winning a car race the first time
we enter, or running a marathon
without side effects the first
time we participate... Let's be
realistic. If you keep steps 1 & 2
in mind with this one, you'll be
far more likely to set and achieve
a realistic goal.
4. Assign At Least 1
Of Our 24 Allotted
Hours Each Day
To Achieving
Goals! You've heard the phrase
"Everyone has the same 24
hours in a day..." Take 1 hour a
day to focus on you. What do you
want? What is your goal? Some people
watch TV, some people read, some people
choose to take an extra hour for lunch. Set
1 hour a day for yourself and your goals and
you'll discover this time you're taking to focus on
yourself will go a long way.
5. Make Yourself
Accountable! By telling your support network about your goals, you're more
likely to keep them. I firmly believe a goal isn't a goal until
you tell someone about it. Sure, more people will know
if you fail but wouldn't you rather have a support
system in your corner along the way? Sharing
your progress will help you overcome any
hardships you might face along the
way. Ignoring your schedules and
timelines will only make your
goals worthless.
6. Reach The Goal In
Your Mind Before
Achieving It
In Your Life! Write down your goal and
envision yourself reaching it.
How did it feel? Vision without
action is a dream, not a strategy.
By playing out your achievements
in your mind, you're also eliminating
potential negativity that might be trying to
creep into your plan. How will you deal with it?
Work through it and make sure you know how to
combat it so you can keep going.
7. Someday Is Not A
Real Day. If You
Want To Start
- DO IT.
- Robert Herjavec It won't all happen
overnight, and if you
don't start - it won't happen
at all. Don't wait for "someday"
to come along. Start taking
small steps towards your goal
now, and you will soon start to
see that you're making progress.
Even if your progress is small in
the beginning, it's better than
no progress at all. Keep going.
Remember the only way to
eat an elephant is - one bite
at a time. Learn more