How To Maximize The Power Of Twitter - 10 Lessons Learned.

Startup Guides > How To Maximize The Power Of Twitter - 10 Lessons Learned.

With Twitter having over 300 million users around the world, it has become an important network for companies to reach out to their customers. There are well-established and successful brands that have come up with best practices companies could emulate to attract a loyal following and transform customers into brand advocates.

Here are ten marketing lessons for successful utilization of Twitter:

1. Don't be afraid to apologize and send a personal message to a customer.

Most companies have hundreds of thousands of followers, the more established and well-known brands, probably millions. Instead of only replying to positive feedback, learn to acknowledge criticism and complaints as well. An apology does more than simply ignoring a tweet. Yet they manage to acknowledge customers who have criticisms or complaints and educate them in the process as well...

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How To Maximize The Power Of Twitter – 10 Lessons Learned.