Why Twitter for Small Businesses?

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Are you debating whether your small business should invest time on Twitter?

Do you wonder how Twitter can help your business?

By being an active part of the Twitter community and sharing the right mix of content, you can reach a larger audience, generate more leads and become the go-to source when customers are ready to buy.

Twitter has evolved a lot since 2007. It used to be about conversations, but these days some would say it's just another way to push out marketing messages and links without true engagement with customers. Twitter is perfect for small businesses.

Lot of businesses using Twitter to its full potential and cultivating relationships with loyal followers, and those relationships can turn into sales.

Twitter offers businesses of all sizes multiple opportunities to find and convert prospects, but it takes more effort than pushing out scheduled tweets about your products.

It's worth it to invest the time and resources to develop your presence on Twitter. When you do, you'll see more growth and loyalty from customers, as well as more sharing, engagement and leads. Consistent conversations go a long way!

Use following 8 Twitter tips for small businesses.

#1: Use Twitter to Stand Out

Reward Twitter followers with special perks.

#2: Keep Your Followers Interested

With giveaways, business updates information, and promotional offers.

#3: Stick With It

If you're not seeing immediate growth on Twitter, don't give up. As they say, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Offer your followers perks to show the company's personality and build trust.

#4: Keep Your Mobile Users in Mind

Are you ever without your smartphone? Probably not-and neither is your audience. Mobile is the way we both market and consume information. Twitter says it was "born mobile". Use Twitter updates to give followers real-time information they can use. Remember to keep your mobile users in mind when using Twitter.

#5: Listen to Your Customers

Have a team in place to monitor and respond to customer questions, compliments, and yes, complaints. Share user generated content to help other customers.

#6: Promote Hard to Find Products

Many small businesses struggle with whether they should be on Twitter. They wonder if it's really the way to reach their customers. Put a twist on regularly stocked products to entice customers to come to your store. Promote your hard to find but popular products to grow a niche following.

And speaking of promotion, don't forget online marketing sites. You can visit 40billion.com which is a fastest-growing network of entrepreneurs and crowdfunders. They specialize in promotion of small businesses by broadcasting and promoting to its large network of several million users across the most popular social networking sites for small businesses - including Twitter, LinkedIn, 40Billion, and even Facebook. Innovative services such as promoted company listings were created for small entrepreneurs to tap into a growing, active network online without spending thousands on pay-per-click ads or traditional advertising. They also offer crowdfunding promotion and promote crowdfunders and their campaigns/projects.

#7: Connect With People Who Need What You Have to Offer

Twitter is the perfect place to search for people who need what you offer and to surprise them with helpful advice.

#8: Use Twitter for Lead Generation

Use Twitter for lead generation by reinforcing its commitment to generating ideas and supporting creativity.

In Conclusion....

Twitter isn't just for big companies or spray-and-pray marketing. Any business can find a place on the platform-the key is conversation. Pay attention to your customers and respond to their questions, compliments and concerns. Keep their attention with fun facts, real-time information and local flavor.

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Why Twitter for Small Businesses?