Startup Guides > How To Turn Your Exit Page Into A Sales Opportunity
Are you an Internet entrepreneur? Do you have a website for your business? If so, here's something that you should immediately put into action on your website. This concept is so simple, yet most of the time extremely overlooked: With every single transaction, whether you acquired your customer through
promoted posts or other ads, you should be controlling where your customer goes next.
So many people miss out on this golden opportunity for additional profit. For instance, the thank-you page after an order might only say, "Thank you for your purchase. Your order will be shipped out soon." Where's that customer going to go now? Back to one of your other sites to spend more money with you. They will, if you give them the opportunity. There are so many little tiny "low hanging fruit" points on your website, and this is one of the easiest to increase profit in any transaction...