10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Do The Impossible

Startup Guides > 10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Do The Impossible

You may not want to admit it, but you're probably longing to take a dip in a pool instead of working. Unfortunately, a startup entrepreneur's 24x7 work schedule rarely allows for much of a break during the business day.

Here are 10 great ways to stay inspired to work hard:

1) Power through it.

2) Make a list of things to do.

3) Create your own stopping time each day, and then stop working at that time.

4) Celebrate small successes throughout the day.

5) Revisit your vision, and remember why you do what you do.

6) Take a power nap to recharge.

7) Alter your routine.

8) Break a big task down into mini-tasks, and work on each mini-task for 15-minutes max.

9) Find ways to walk to get energized...

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10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Do The Impossible