6 Reasons Why Time Is The Business Owner's Most Scarce Resource

Startup Guides > 6 Reasons Why Time Is The Business Owner's Most Scarce Resource

Are you flushing your money and time down the toilet? Not long after you start a business on your own, you soon realize that you need to get smarter about managing time. If you feel overwhelmed, you may need to rethink how you use your time, which is an entrepreneur's most valuable - and scarce - resource.

Stop wasting your time by doing these 6 things, and you'll become more productive and more successful as your business grows:

1. Piling up admin work

If you've spent 3 hours reconciling a bank statement, you're making poor use of your time. Too often, small-business owners pile up their administrative tasks, and then waste time on those tasks which they don't like or aren't even good at. Find a virtual assistant who can do these tasks for you... better. ..

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6 Reasons Why Time Is The Business Owner's Most Scarce Resource