Member Posts > Lower body stretching in Yoga
Who doesn't dream of doing the splits or showing off the high amplitude of raising a leg up in front of them? Of course, this partly depends on a person's natural flexibility. But still, in most cases, it is the result of long-term systematic work on oneself. Stretching the leg muscles requires special attention and careful work.
For those who are just about to start stretching, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for performing exercises. This will help to avoid unnecessary injuries and improve the effectiveness of the exercises.
Tips for Beginners
Professional trainers recommend including stretching as the final stage of each workout. Stretching the body over cork mat will help relieve excess muscle tension and improve blood circulation. It has a positive effect on overall well-being, allowing the body to relax and partially recover after training.
Warm muscles stretch better. This allows you to achieve a better effect from stretching without harming your health.
Stretching exercises should be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerks. In the maximally stretched pose, it is necessary to fixate for about 10 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 2-3 minutes.
It is necessary to monitor your condition. If you feel sharp pain during stretching, you should immediately stop doing the exercise.
Stretching should be done systematically. With each workout, try to increase the time of direct muscle stretching (staying in the most stretched position).
Leg stretching includes a whole range of exercises for different muscle groups. Let's look at it in more detail.
Stretching the muscles of the thigh and quadriceps
This exercise may require additional support, which you can hold on to with your free hand. Stand up straight, bend your left leg at the knee and fix it with your right hand, taking hold of the foot from behind. Exhale, tense your left thigh and stay in this position for about a minute over the mat , then do the same with your right leg.
Hamstring Stretch
You need to sit on the floor with your legs apart. Slowly bend your torso forward, trying to reach the floor with your chest. To make the task easier, you can bend your knees a little.
Stretching the calf muscles
Stand near a wall, lean your hands against it, slowly move your right leg back without lifting your foot off the floor. Hold this position for about a minute, then change legs.
Groin stretch
Groin stretching should be done carefully, as there is a high risk of injury, especially in men. A set of exercises was created to improve efficiency and avoid injury.
First, sit on the floor with your feet tightly together in front of you. Bend your elbows and rest your palms on opposite knees (left hand on right knee and vice versa). You need to try to bring your knees together, overcoming the resistance of your hands.
Then you should put your hands on your feet and try to press your knees to the floor as much as possible. Maintain this position for a few seconds. To improve the effect, you can help yourself with your hands, gradually pressing them on your knees.
The final stage of stretching the groin area is to pull the body towards the feet connected in front until you feel tension in the lower back. Remain in this position for 20 seconds.
Front split
A special approach is needed to stretching into the splits, as there is a high probability of getting serious injuries. From a standing position, feet parallel to each other, spread your legs straight at the knees to the half-split position. And stay in it for several minutes.
Frog stretch
There are two options for performing this exercise: standing and lying on your stomach. While standing, you need to place your feet wider than your shoulders and do a deep squat, spreading your knees to the sides. When your hips are as low as possible toward your feet, hold for a few seconds.
You can also do this exercise on a carpet. To do this, you need to get on all fours and gradually move your knees to the sides until right angles are formed in your thighs and shins.
Then move your pelvis forward, lean on your forearms and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Lower your pelvis back and also hold for 30 seconds.