Member Posts > What Is The Process Of Trust Administration?
The trust administration process begins once the trust's creator dies. Trust administration can vary depending on the type of trust, but the process will always involve:
1. Working closely with beneficiaries and possibly other Trustees;
2. Identifying, locating, and managing assets;
3. Implementing the deceased's wishes;
4. Paying any remaining debts of the estate;
5. Facilitating trust transfers of assets or properties to new owners, and more.
The trust administration attorneys at San Diego Probate Attorneys can help guide Trustees through these responsibilities properly. Mistakes can be costly, both in terms of personal liability and accountability to the courts. We believe it is always best to prevent errors before they happen, rather than fixing errors that arise later. Learn more about Elder Law.
San Diego Probate Attorneys
402 W Broadway Suite 400 - B
San Diego, CA 92101
(858) 333-8844