Member Posts > Trust Administration FAQs
At San Diego Probate Attorneys, our attorneys strive to simplify the trust administration process for Trustees and the families of deceased trust creators. Trustees that find themselves tasked with handling a trust's assets often find the process stressful, and these are common questions that we are asked by those seeking our services:
1. How Long Does Trust Settlement Take After A Trustee Dies?
Factors affecting trust administration after the death of the Trustee include documentation accuracy, beneficiaries, and much more. In California, you can expect the process to take several months. Ask our attorneys at San Diego Probate Attorneys about your specific case for a more accurate estimate.
2. Should Trustees Hire A Lawyer To Help With Trust Administration?
Hiring a trust administration attorney from San Diego Probate Attorneys has many advantages and makes the process a lot less stressful. The work required to administer a trust is time consuming, detail-oriented, and unique to the county where the administration occurs. Without a firm grasp of the process, Trustees might incur personal liability for errors which could have been prevented. Legal expertise is invaluable to protect against this kind of liability.
3. IsThe Trustee Personally Liable For Errors In Trust Administration?
In some cases, a Trustee may be liable for their errors or mismanagement of the trust administration process. This kind of liability can be extremely costly for a Trustee, particularly if a disagreement between beneficiaries escalates to a lawsuit. Legal guidance should make you aware of these potential risks, ensuring that you avoid costly mistakes and manage the trust with care
Contact Us Today For California Trust Administration Services
Federal and state laws govern how successor Trustees must manage trust assets after the death of the trust creator. Various factors may lead to the Trustee becoming personally liable for their trust management errors, so it is vital to ensure all Trustee actions are conducted strictly in accordance with the law. It is pivotal for a Trustee to understand the expectations of trust administration, and San Diego Probate Attorneys can help.
The attorneys at San Diego Probate Attorneys ensure Trustees understand how to comply with California's fiduciary and legal obligations and provide support for questions or concerns. They help Trustees administer trusts every step of the way. Contact San Diego Probate Attorneys today for trust administration services in San Diego CA.
San Diego Probate Attorneys
402 W Broadway Suite 400 - B
San Diego, CA 92101
(858) 333-8844