Member Posts > Legal Strategies To Protect Your Inheritance
Protecting your inheritance can feel like guarding treasure from prying hands if you're a beneficiary. To make sure your share stays secure, you'll need to understand your rights and take action when something seems off. The good news? California law is on your side-you just need to know how to use it.
Understanding Your Rights As A Beneficiary
California doesn't leave you out in the cold regarding your inheritance. As a beneficiary, you have the right to regular updates from the trustee. You can demand transparency by petitioning the court for a formal accounting-one of the most effective ways to get the answers you need.
Challenging Trustee Decisions
What if the trustee isn't just being secretive but is outright violating the terms of the trust? You can challenge their decisions in court. However, you'll need more than suspicions; you'll need strong evidence of mismanagement, fraud, or self-dealing to make your case stick.
San Diego Probate Attorneys
402 W Broadway Suite 400 - B
San Diego, CA 92101
(858) 333-8844