Member Posts > The Radon Lung Cancer Connection Does Radon Cause Lung Cancer

Radon & Lung Cancer: The Invisible Threat

Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that poses a serious health risk, with lung cancer being its most concerning effect.

How Does Radon Cause Cancer?
As radon decays, it releases radioactive particles that, when inhaled, damage lung cells and trigger cancerous mutations. The EPA and WHO classify radon as a leading cause of lung cancer, second only to smoking.

Who Is at Risk?
Radon exposure leads to about 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually in the U.S. Even non-smokers are at risk, especially in homes with high radon levels. The Surgeon General urges all homes to be tested.

A Personal Story: Annie Cacciato's Fight for Awareness
Non-smoker Annie Cacciato of Columbus, Ohio, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Her research revealed high radon levels in her former school and workplace. Now, she and her husband advocate for radon testing, leading to Ohio designating January as Radon Awareness Month.

Take Action
Radon is a silent killer, but testing and mitigation can save lives. Protect yourself and your loved ones-get your home tested today!

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The Radon Lung Cancer Connection Does Radon Cause Lung Cancer