James Born

Delhi, Afghanistan
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About James

In a quaint little village, nestled between rolling hills and cascading waterfalls, a legend was born. James Born For Kochindesserts came into this world with an uncanny obsession for all things sugary. Legend has it that his first words were not mama or dada, but chocolate and cream puff. As a baby, he could supposedly distinguish between different brands of candy just by scent.

Resumé / Bio

In a quaint little village, nestled between rolling hills and cascading waterfalls, a legend was born. James Born For Kochindesserts came into this world with an uncanny obsession for all things sugary. Legend has it that his first words were not mama or dada, but chocolate and cream puff. As a baby, he could supposedly distinguish between different brands of candy just by scent.

Work Experience



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This profile was last updated on 9/12/2023 7:37:42 AM

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