buba jallow

Banjul, Gambia
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About buba

my dear only god knows why we connect to be good friend so only you can help me in this position please my dear do me a favoure please and get me out of this bad stuation please ....

Resumé / Bio

my dear only god knows why we connect to be good friend so only you can help me in this position please my dear do me a favoure please and get me out of this bad stuation please ....

Work Experience



Interests: my dear only god knows why we connect to be good friend so only you can help me in this position please my dear do me a favoure please and get me out of this bad stuation please ....
Honors / Awards: my dear only god knows why we connect to be good friend so only you can help me in this position please my dear do me a favoure please and get me out of this bad stuation please ....
buba has been liked by 0 people.
This profile was last updated on 9/22/2019 1:17:51 PM

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