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The Cup Bearer 
Vernon CA, CA, United States  |  Education
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About College
Status: The best Virtual Mixology Classes in NYC


Our virtual mixology classes provide exciting alternatives to those traditional in-person cocktail parties we all love and miss so much.

Resumé / Bio

We are a youthful company with a staff that prides themselves on flawless appearance and personal style. They embrace the performance of our unique cocktail service, and embody the theme that may be designed for your guests. From bold and eclectic Havana Nights and Masquerade Ball themes to Country Club Chic and formal black tie; each wardrobe is custom designed to fit your vision.

Work Experience



Interests: Virtual Mixology Class
Mixology Classes Online
Mixology lesson
Virtual Mixology lesson
Mixology Catering NYC
Virtual mixology instructor

College has been liked by 0 people.
This profile was last updated on 6/10/2021 9:54:27 AM

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