Resumé / BioThe abstract on business economics is a summary of the content of a scientific work or its part on a given topic, made on the basis of a critical review of relevant sources of information (scientific papers, literature on the topic, etc.), use a href=
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The task of the enterprise economics abstract - to summarize the achievements of other authors, independently present the problem on the basis of the facts taken from the literature.
Writing an abstract in business economics pursues a number of important educational and methodological objectives inherent in scientific work: a considered choice of topic, bibliographic search, selection and analysis of the facts contained in the scientific literature, provisions and conclusions, their grouping, logical presentation in accordance with the plan and own assessment of the author of the abstract, compiling reference system (footnotes and reference list) and design of the text, use service a href=essayassistant
https://essayassistant.or... the abstract on the economy of the enterprise, the student acquires the skills to analyze the scientific literature, to master the methodology of scientific research and the basics of proper registration of the abstract.
In the introduction justifies the relevance of the topic and the approach to answering the question posed, formulates the purpose of the work and a set of interrelated tasks to be solved, or use a href=
https://essayassistant.or... the main part on the basis of the study of works of domestic and foreign authors sets out the essence of the problem under study, considers different approaches to the solution, gives their
assessment, justifies and sets out the student's own position.
In the conclusion logically consistent theoretical and practical conclusions and proposals, which were reached by the student as a result of the work. They should be brief and clear, giving a full idea of the content, significance, validity and effectiveness of the work. They are written theses (paragraph by paragraph) and should reflect the main conclusions on the theory of the issue and on the analysis conducted.
The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order, according to the principles of bibliography. Literature in foreign languages is usually placed after literature your country, also in alphabetical order.
In terms of content the appendices are very diverse (programs of experiments, samples of student work, outlines and fragments of lessons, etc.) in form they can represent the text, tables, illustrative material.
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