Joshua  Turner

Joshua H Turner 
Arkansas, AR, United States  |  Agriculture
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About Joshua
Status: Joshua H Turner


Growing up in a coastal community, Joshua was exposed to the ocean's allure from a young age. He spent his childhood by the shore, fishing with his father, learning the ways of the sea, and hearing tales of adventurous voyages. His father, Samuel Turner, was a respected fisherman, and it was under his tutelage that Joshua honed his maritime skills. These formative years instilled in him a deep love and respect for the ocean, its creatures, and the age-old art of fishing.

Resumé / Bio

Growing up in a coastal community, Joshua was exposed to the ocean's allure from a young age. He spent his childhood by the shore, fishing with his father, learning the ways of the sea, and hearing tales of adventurous voyages. His father, Samuel Turner, was a respected fisherman, and it was under his tutelage that Joshua honed his maritime skills. These formative years instilled in him a deep love and respect for the ocean, its creatures, and the age-old art of fishing.

Work Experience



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This profile was last updated on 3/14/2024 12:38:40 AM

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